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25 Jul 2019

2 Years An Angel…..Remembering Nitro

Author: Paula | Filed under: Uncategorized

I MISS HIM! It’s as simple as that…..I miss Nitro as much today as I did the day he left our lives.

We said good-bye to our Warrior 2 years ago today.  I can still remember vividly  the moments leading up to that day, and THAT day will be forever etched into my memory. Sadly, other memories of Nitro are fading. They say in time, the sadness fades, to be replaced by memories of happier times.  The opposite seems to be true for me. The sadness and stress seem to be all I remember. A day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of him, usually several times a day.


This isn’t to say my life is only about sadness…..we have the “Trio” after all. It’s hard to stay sad when the tots make it their mission to make me laugh, while Kodi with his calm, chill self evens things out. Life is just so different than it was 5 years ago, when our journey started. While I would never want to re-live those days, I can’t seem to let them go either. Maybe its wrong to want to.


Kodi, with a "stogie"

Kodi. with a “stogie”


the “tots” on a hot summer day


Tucker…think he watches me drink too much wine?


swinging with the tots

I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason….I guess that’s what I need to believe now; the cancer diagnosis, the surgery, the difficult recovery, the stress, the incredible new life on 3 legs, the unexpectedly wonderful new Tripawd Family, the kidney failure and old age, the peaceful transition to The Bridge. All of that has brought me here –  because the journey happened for a reason.

Like others have mentioned, its hard to be on the site these days; I still try to check in regularly, but its difficult to “invest” in new members just starting this journey. Five years ago, I poured my heart and soul into Tripawds.  All of us back then  were lifelines for each other, and thankfully we still chat every day. I’m so lucky to have these friends, who became family. I’m the person I am today because of this site, what we went through, and  the kind souls who helped me survive what was undoubtedly one of the worst times of my life.

And now  I leave you with  Nitro’s tribute video….please share in my memories of this magnificent warrior who took a big piece of my heart to heaven <3 <3 <3

— peace and love, from the Ehlers’ ranch






















4 Responses to “2 Years An Angel…..Remembering Nitro”

  1. Michelle Says:

    Beautiful tribute to such a wonderful boy. I wish I would have gotten to meet him. I know he sure showed us all how he did life on 3 legs. It’s hard sometimes to be here. I try to check in everyday but sometimes a thing called life gets in the way. I understand what you mean though about investing.

    I think sometimes Nitro guides the tots to do things when he knows you need that laugh. I am a true believer in that. Just like I know when I hear the wind chimes you and Linda bought me Bosch is around and Sassy too.

    Nitro, I can’t believe its been 2 years since you transitioned. It just seems like yesterday.

    hugs and love Paula

    Michelle & Angels Sassy & Bosch

  2. Yael Says:

    Beautiful tribute! Nitro was one of a kind, and you guys were deeply connected.
    I can’t stop crying, probably because i can relate to that pain and it’s very fresh for me. I hope some day (far away in time) we’ll get re-united with those who mattered most in our lives, like your Nitro and my Belle. 💗

  3. jerry Says:

    BRAVO! Oh what a beautiful tribute to an unforgettable hero! Nitro had so many expressions, and such a visible bond with you, that it wasn’t until you put them all together that we can really see it crystal clear. The expressions! The touch! The heartfelt looks at each other. You had a forever dog who is irreplaceable.

    It’s hard to believe two years has gone by, but we just can’t seem to stop this thing called time I guess. And just keep remembering that it’s OK to cope however feels most natural to you. As long as you can still be in the Here and Now with the tots, and clearly you are, then that’s all that matters.

    P.S. We understand completely about how hard it is for you to help new members, Paula, that is normal and you aren’t alone. If the Helpline ever gets to be too intense or whatever, please, let us know and we will never hold it against you OK?

    Much love on a very special Angelversary,
    Rene, Jim, Wyatt Ray & Spirit Jerry

  4. benny55 Says:

    Okay, okay…WOW!!! I just hopped over here and have not read past that first picture of the BEAUTIFUL necklace with the spot on sentiment!!! SPOT ON!!
    Truly words spoken from the heart❤❤❤

    You always find the most beautiful visual ways to pay tribute to Nitro .

    Okay….back in a bit, if I can stop staring at that necklace!

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