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2 Aug 2021

4 Years Without Nitro

Author: Paula | Filed under: Uncategorized


July 25th was Nitro’s 4th angelversary….I didn’t have a post ready to go, but I had a VERY good reason – our annual Tripawd Tribe vacation started the day before. It was fitting that this sad anniversary occurred while I was in the company of my Tribe sisters; who better to reminisce and remember my Warrior than the people who helped me through one of the worst times of my life?



For the second year in a row, the gang gathered in Wisconsin – this time in the beautiful North Woods, in the town of Minocqua. We rented a cabin on a lake and spent a relaxing week floating, kayaking, pontoon cruising – laughing a LOT, crying a little – using the week to relax, re-set, remember and rejoice in the miracle of our friendship. An added activity this year  included a group tattoo. Two members were tattoo virgins, the others well-versed in the art of ink. When the newbie’s were apprehensive and a little nervous (with our angels watching down from The Bridge), I joked that Nitro was being razzed that his mom was the instigator of the impending pain.




I had gotten a helpline call on Thursday – I get very few calls, so didn’t think to get coverage for my hours;  as I’m chatting with the gal about her Greyhound’s post amp issues, it dawned on me that I had the mother lode of wisdom at my finger tips! A whole crew of people with experience and knowledge sitting right here with me! It then became a group call, and I also gave her the option of speaking with the sight-hound expert of our group (Lisa, who couldn’t be with us this year). The gal was overwhelmed with the support and care we gave her – I think it was a little “angel magic” at work.



It was a beautiful week spent catching up and remembering…there is always talk of the angels that brought us together, but also of the new pups in our lives – life goes on, after all. We also started preliminary plans for next year’s vacation….somewhere in the Outer Banks.



While I still grieve for, and miss Nitro, I feel I’ve moved forward and am in a good place today –  largely due to the friendship and love I’ve found in this special group of women. I am whole again, and happy; and I know Nitro approves and is with me always.

Right before our vacation started, I got my memorial diamond ring in the mail; I added the stone made from Kodi’s ashes/fur and my hair, to Nitro’s stone. What a beautiful symbol to wear while in the company of my friends.


Nitro dark blue, Kodi light blue

Nitro dark blue, Kodi light blue


Thank you, Tripawds, for saving my sanity when tragedy struck; for having my back and giving me knowledge and strength to fight; for giving me friends who are now my sisters; and for making me who I am today. The Ehlers’ Ranch is different these days, but it’s a happy and serene place knowing our 2 Warrior Angels watch over us – and the Terrorist Tots to keep things lively.



13 Responses to “4 Years Without Nitro”

  1. jerry Says:

    Oh Paula! I’m so glad I saved this for a day I didn’t have to work at the ranch. What a beautiful, upbeat, and affirming post about the power of the paw!

    On his angelversary, and always, Nitro couldn’t be prouder of his mom! With the help of your amazing Tripawd Mom squad you have moved through some hard times and dark places, into light and love that lifts your heart and your spirit and keeps it there. The gorgeous shiny diamonds help too! 😉 BEAUTIFUL!!!

    Looks like a terrific vacation and who can ever forget it with those gorgeous tats?

    What an incredible group of women!

    • dobemom Says:

      Aww, thank you Rene! It took years, but you’re right, I AM in a good place today; vacation with some of my favorite people on Earth was the best! I’m thrilled to have Kodi and Nitro reunited on my finger and equally thrilled with our ink. Thank you for being part of the reason I am who I am today. My life changed forever the day I stumbled on the Tripawd website….

  2. Purrkins Says:

    4 years Angleversary is hard to believe! I’m glad to hear the gutwrench has lessened. I know it does in time. NEVER FORGOTTEN. One of a kind warrior, YES! He has taken a piece of your heart & soul furever until the day you all reunite.

    Glad the tribe got together and had such a lovely time. I bet it is emotional on all levels & also healing.

    No doubt a sign from all your warriors on the helpline call! Group help from all your warriors! She had to be overwhelmed and beyond thankful for ALL the wisdom!

    I just saw Michelle’s ring, and I did see Nitro’s when you got it made. I love they can add on like that what a stunning treasure! I would have had a hard time sending it in, though. It was stunning initially but now WOW, a treasure duo! I love the different colors! Perfection! I’ll have to look back on your posts. I know you put the link in when Nitro crossed over.

    The sign of the tots, omc where did you get that made ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! I LOVE IT!

    Big hugs & smooches to the security tots, please!
    Holly, Mark, Purrkins, and Saxton 💝💝💝

    • Paula Says:

      Thank you Holly! I WAS a wreck when I mailed my ring to CA for the addition of Kodi’s stone – and a FedEx snafu didn’t help matters. The highlight of my year is always the Tribe vacation – and this year didn’t disappoint. As for the sign, it came from a website called “humancustom”. Consider the tots hugged and smooched!

  3. midnighter94 Says:

    As always, such a wonderful week together remembering our Heroes <3 It's the one place/time/group where we are free to bring up our babies at any time and know that there is someone there who understands and who remembers. As time has moved on, there have been fewer tears and more smiles, which is as it should be.
    Love you <3

  4. benny55 Says:

    PS…..The sentiments on the pendant above….perfection👍

  5. benny55 Says:

    Paula, you and Nitro are auch a huge part of everything good about Tripawds and the LASTING friendships that developed. You have honored, and continue to honor Nitro in so many ways that always come from a giving and compassionate place.

    Yes, the “Angel Magic” was definately at work in so many ways on that trip. Donna told me the two of you had an Eagle fly over you. Had to be a “sign” from Nitro and Murphy too. And I loooove the tattoos! Talk about a furever bond….!

    The ring for Kodi….absolutely beautiful. Always with you…he and Nitro both. I had forgotten you added some of your hair….extra dose of love💖

    Thank you for allowing us to cont to celebrate the gentle, loyal Tripawd Warrior Nitro with you. Such a magnificent Soul still orchestrating all sorts of good things from The Rainbow Bridge😎

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  6. linda8115 Says:

    Great time was had by all! I’ll remember that day Nitro left forever. He’s imprinted on my heart always ❤️ Both he & Kodi! Love spending time with our “tribe”! It heals the soul! Love you all!

  7. Michelle Says:

    It was so joyous to spend time with you again. Remembering our Angels and Nitro with his journey.

    Yes, the tattoo was painful and I love mine. I am so glad I didn’t chicken out. I can’t wait for the vacation next year. You have a special place in my heart <3

    I love the sign and Grizz and Tucker are such sweet hearts I am sure they are getting some guidance from their guardian Angels.

    Love the ring and the special memory it has.

    Love you my friend

    • dobemom Says:

      Michelle – you were a rockstar trouper for going through with the tattoo; You are stronger than you know! love you

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